DNS Configuration
After having setup your instance, the next step would be to configure your domain name. This would require you to have an existing domain that you own, which can be purchased from any domain registrars (GoDaddy, HostGator, Wild West Domains, etc.). Domain Names typically start from USD$10/year for a .com domain.

Since I purchased my domain from Amazon Route 53, I thought it would be convenient to continue using Route 53 to store my DNS records. This would cost USD$0.50/month for the first25 hosted zones. For the purpose of performing domain name resolution to this blog, a single Alias (A) record would suffice.

With all the NS & A records configured correctly in the DNS Zone, access to the site can be done by typing blog.nestorlee.com into the browser address bar.
6 replies on “Amazon Lightsail for Blogs”
Brilliant post! Love the simplicity and clarity. So what is the total cost of running the blog over one year?
I ve been hosting arunpc.com at WordPress.com for more than a decade. Now i am really tempted to move to LightSail 🙂
So the Lightsail instance will cost me $3.50/month, Route53 Hosted Zones are $0.50/month, and my domain is $12/year. That would work out to about $60 a year, which would be around $5/month! Personally I find to be very reasonable!
Absolutely! Cant agree more.
Nothing that important, but you could consider redirect for nestorlee.com by creating a CNAME to point to blog.netstorlee.com to prevent the ‘Page not found’.
Yes of course! I’m not sure why that slipped out of my mind… Thanks for letting me know!
Look forward for more posts! Keep writing! Cheers!